
Introducing my Pop-Up Themed Singing Group!

Love singing? Join my pop-up singing group!

Let’s get straight to it. Some of us just want to jump in and start singing! Well, now you can!

Introducing my Pop-Up Themed Singing Group!

This is part of Be Free To Sing’s great range of opportunities for adults with or without singing experience to gather with others online to sing your favourite theme-related song. You’ll get encouragement and positive feedback from the teacher and fellow participants, and practise using your voice in a friendly, informal setting.

The group is open for registrations now so start warming up your voice — or better still, come and learn with Be Free To Sing for some extra singing sparkle! 😊 — and register by the advertised date.

Rather than being ‘just another singing group’, this is a theme-based pop-up singing event! What will be the next song theme and when? Well, you’ll just have to keep an eye on the group page to find out!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing you in this group or in any of Be Free To Sing’s other training options. 

Until next time, always remember to...

Be Free To Sing,


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Welcome to Be Free To Sing

Female singer and music.  Image is a composite of photos and graphics from

Be Free To Sing is where adults can learn about the basics of finding vocal freedom that really work!

Do you want to sing as a hobby for yourself, your family, in the shower, for mental health, or another purpose?  I offer group and one-on-one online training options in a supportive environment for adults who are absolute beginners or who have singing experience, all from the comfort and privacy of your home.

Get In Touch

Do you long to sing beautifully but don't know how to start?

Find out what adults can learn and contact the teacher for further information today.  Seniors welcome.

Be Free To Sing is a proud member of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS) Limited.