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How To Sing Like... YOU!

How to sing like... YOU!

Are you quietly devouring any of the following videos on the internet?:

“How to sing like…”

“Hit the high notes like…”

“Instantly sound like…”

Is this you? Maybe you binge-watch vocal coach reaction videos because you enjoy seeing teachers marvel and commentate about someone’s amazing voice, while secretly longing that it was yours… Some singers do not like their own voice, so they look outside themselves to find a role model, favourite recording artist, or singing celebrity with the goal of sounding exactly like them.

You may dream of singing gloriously high notes like she does or have the same breath capacity that he has. You may want that person’s strong voice. You may want to be him or her on that stage or magically sing like that person with consistency, freedom, and ease every time.

While there is nothing terrible about this, because it shows you want to improve, a little reality check is required:

  1. Great singers are just like you. All of the singers you admire were once beginners. They are also human, so are unlikely to pop out of bed in the morning singing like they do. They need to put in the time and effort to practise, use a reliable singing technique, have some form of training, and work on maintaining their voices without giving up. I know from my experience singing as a cantor and in choirs for over twenty years that there is a lot of preparation behind the scenes - you need to constantly show up!

  2. A joyful journey. While putting in the hard yards is a requirement, don’t run away! Learning to sing well is immensely fun and meaningful, otherwise great singers would not be dedicated to it for years. It is a beautiful gift and honour to share your voice with the world, so what you put in will be worth it!

  3. Self-commitment is necessary. Get to know your voice and who you are before looking to other ‘star’ singers. That does not mean you become narcissistic, but you do not waste time constantly wanting to be someone else, or comparing yourself with other singers, to your own detriment. It’s all about balance. You can admire and study all kinds of wonderful singers throughout history, but you need to trust and love your own voice right now, and as you progress.

That said, what is good about watching great singers, reaction videos, or wanting to sing like your favourite performer?

  • It inspires you to keep motivated, however be sure not to get fixated on one performer or song. Look at a wide range of videos analysing various singers’ voices and songs, including positives and negatives. Note patterns which are common to all good singers.
  • Vocal coach reaction videos can help, but be sure to look for videos which include an analysis and explanation of what singers are doing and how - not only surface-level reactions for purely emotional or sensational impact. Every teacher will have their own thoughts and views, but as you watch think about what you can take away for yourself. Be smart about how you use your time.

Bel Canto is a wonderful foundation for all singers to reveal the beauty of their unique voice. You instantly gain confidence because you can hear the power coming from within you – not from anyone else out there! My Bel Canto training enabled me to experience much more inner space, ease, and naturally resonant sound. Does that sound perfect to you? If so, come and learn with me.

Until next time, Be Free To Sing!


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Do you long to sing beautifully but don't know how to start?

Find out what adults can learn and contact the teacher for further information today.  Seniors welcome.

Be Free To Sing is a proud member of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS) Limited.