
In No Mood To Sing? 5 Fix-its

In no mood to sing? Here's 5 Fix-its

Here’s the truth upfront: a singer’s learning path will almost always be laden with up and down moments. Progress is not always linear but is filled with starts, stops, stutters, and restarts.  When taking lessons for the first time, the journey is exciting as you meet your teacher and other singers, try new exercises, challenge yourself, apply what you discover to your favourite songs, and then gently begin to notice changes in your voice.

But as time passes something else can gradually creep in…

You may begin to hit a plateau and sense that things are grinding down – your days and practice sessions may start to feel sluggish or even laborious; you don’t feel like doing the exercises you have been given by your teacher, boredom sets in, your mood may slowly sink, you hyper-focus on faults, experience inner/outer tension, energy wanes, and staying motivated becomes mentally, physically, and spiritually taxing.

What is happening here? Are these signs telling you it is time to let go of your singing dreams and quit training?

Certainly not!

If you are going through this right now please do not beat yourself up about it. Know that it is perfectly normal at any stage for any singer, particularly when learning about the Bel Canto mechanics I teach, as this is radically different from most singing methods.

If you persevere, continue to show up every day, and stay on track – even if you don’t feel like it – your commitment and endurance will pay off. The results will be worth all of your effort – I promise! Everything I create and write at Be Free To Sing comes from personal experience and lessons I have learnt, so I understand what you are going through.

To help you along, below are five things you can try to re-energise your passion for singing when you are learning Bel Canto or any singing approach:

  1. Self-kindness

    Firstly, be kind and compassionate to yourself. Give yourself plenty of time and gentleness. Remember, you are on a singing adventure that will take a while to master. Even when you have finished a course or lesson path, as any good singer knows, you are never truly finished. The excitement of singing is discovering more nuances and surprises about the voice – it truly never ends! There is always something fresh to think about, a different perspective to consider, and new songs to try and apply your skills. That is why I love singing so much!

  2. Mental flips

    Whenever you encounter any negative or self-deprecating thoughts as you learn to sing, flip it to the positive. The moment your mind starts chattering about how ‘terrible’ you sound, or how ‘silly’ you feel, or that you are ‘not as good as’ other singers, etc. – STOP! Flip those mental demons out by constantly telling yourself you are doing well, things take time, you are getting better, and you are having fun with the process. Acquiring new skills and muscle memory in singing is a slow and deliberate process – your train track of internal thoughts can either work for or against you so always be on guard and check in with your self-talk.

  3. Play!

    As you sing and practise in between lessons with your teacher, allow for some play time. For example, after completing any required post-lesson reading, written reflections, vocal exercises, etc. safely experiment with your voice by trying different sounds and songs as a reward. Sing karaoke, try different genres (musical theatre, rock, pop, classical, jazz, etc.), make deliberate mistakes and then correct them (use a piano or other instrument for pitch accuracy), incorporate physical exercises, stretch your imagination, etc. – without hurting yourself.

  4. Singing buddies

    Often when you enrol in group singing lessons – whether online or in person – you will find other singers who are at the same level. Use this opportunity to connect, interact, and stay motivated. For example, when you learn in Be Free To Sing online group classes, you will meet other singers to share experiences, ask questions, etc.  If you complete either parts of the Beginner Singers Course you can then register to join the Bel Canto Buddies singing group for ongoing friendship and fun in a supportive community.

  5. Observe and collect

    A great way to keep up your spirits as you learn to sing is to watch other singers online and in person. You can also collect your own library of inspirational websites, performances, links, articles, etc. and regularly dip into these. I would strongly recommend including singers of all ages, backgrounds, languages, and musical genres to broaden your perspective. As you access this library, always remember that your aim is to expand your mind, knowledge, and creativity for personal encouragement and growth.

There you have it! Give these a try and keep going!

Get in touch if you have any questions or find out how I can help you.

Be Free To Sing,


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Welcome to Be Free To Sing

Female singer and music.  Image is a composite of photos and graphics from

Be Free To Sing is where adults can learn about the basics of finding vocal freedom that really work!

Do you want to sing as a hobby for yourself, your family, in the shower, for mental health, or another purpose?  I offer group and one-on-one online training options in a supportive environment for adults who are absolute beginners or who have singing experience, all from the comfort and privacy of your home.

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Do you long to sing beautifully but don't know how to start?

Find out what adults can learn and contact the teacher for further information today.  Seniors welcome.

Be Free To Sing is a proud member of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS) Limited.