
Can you be too old to sing?

5 top tips for adult beginner singers

What are five top tips for adult beginner singers that you can start working on today, even without a teacher (yet!)?

Here we go, counting down:

5. Notice tension

Do a quick scan of your body and take a mental note of where you feel tension.  I cover more about tension-busting exercises in the Part 1 Beginner Singers Course.

4. Listen to good singers

Find singers who use a healthy vocal technique (such as Bel Canto, which is great for both singing and speaking).  You can search for your own examples or listen to those I included in this blog article: Can you be too old to sing?

3. Learn basic music theory

Understanding basic music theory (including key music terminology) will help you immensely as a beginner singer and improve your overall musicianship skills.  You can do a simple search on the internet or purchase beginner-level music theory books.  Examples of search terms and phrases include "basic music theory" or "music theory for beginners".

2. Trust the process and yourself

It's okay to feel a little out of your depth when you start anything new, and singing is no exception! Trust yourself and the journey you are on.  It takes time and patience, so give yourself that time and patience.  Be gentle with yourself and enjoy the process.  Also remember that if you have a singing teacher or are thinking of finding one, part of their job is to encourage and support you along the way!

1. Mindset

Self-doubt is a normal part of the human condition, especially when we are learning a new skill which we may find daunting in some way.  Putting ourselves out there in front of people – be it a singing teacher or fellow students - may not feel natural or normal for us (also depending on our personality type).  The mind and our thoughts are very powerful, so we want to focus on having a positive mindset to work for us, instead of against us, from the outset.  In my view, beginner singers (and in fact, all singers) should never think of themselves as 'amateurs'.  Why?  Find out in this blog article (including video): Beginner singers - amateur?.

Please watch my 5 Top Tips for Adult Beginner Singers video about these points and more!

Until next time, Be Free To Sing,


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Welcome to Be Free To Sing

Female singer and music.  Image is a composite of photos and graphics from

Be Free To Sing is where adults can learn about the basics of finding vocal freedom that really work!

Do you want to sing as a hobby for yourself, your family, in the shower, for mental health, or another purpose?  I offer group and one-on-one online training options in a supportive environment for adults who are absolute beginners or who have singing experience, all from the comfort and privacy of your home.

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Do you long to sing beautifully but don't know how to start?

Find out what adults can learn and contact the teacher for further information today.  Seniors welcome.

Be Free To Sing is a proud member of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS) Limited.